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*Note, some of these articles require a subscription for access to full article or the need to go through UNC Libraries.

Berila, B. (2014). Contemplating the effects of oppression: Integrating mindfulness into diversity classrooms. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 1(1), 55-68.

Berila, B. (2016). Integrating mindfulness into anti-oppression pedagogy: Social justice in higher education. New York, NY: Routledge.

Bhattacharya, K., & Cochrane, M. (2017). Assessing the authentic knower through contemplative arts-based pedagogies in qualitative inquiry. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 4(1), 47-70.

Bhattacharya, K., & Payne, R. (2016). Mixing mediums, mixing selves: Arts-based contemplative approaches to border crossings. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 29(9), 1100-1117. doi: 10.1080/09518398.2016.1201163

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Boyce, Barry, et al. “When Mindfulness and Racism Intersect.” Mindful, 30 May 2020,, L., & Caldwell, K. (2017). The mindful campus: Organizational structure and culture. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry 4(1). 229-249.

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Godbee, B., Ozias, M., & Tang, J. (2015). Body Power Justice: Movement-Based Workshops for Critical Tutor Education. The Writing Center Journal, 34(2), 61-112.

Gorski, P. (2015). Relieving burnout and the “martyr syndrome” among social justice education activists: The implications and effects of mindfulness. The Urban Review, 47, 696–
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Helmer, K. (2014). Disruptive practices: Enacting critical pedagogy through meditation, community building, and explorative spaces in a graduate course for pre-service teachers. The Journal of Classroom Interaction, 49(2), 33-40.

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King, Ruth. Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the inside Out. Sounds True, Inc., 2018.

Kwah, H. (2018). Buddhist and arts-based practices for addressing racial oppression: Building upon Cleveland and Tobin’s mindfulness in education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 12. doi: 10.1007/s11422-018-9898-5

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Napora, L. (2017). A contemplative look at social change: Awareness and community as foundations for leading. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 4(1), 187-205.

Nicole, Candice. (2017). On Erica Garner and Healing Racial Trauma. Sex, Social Justice, Leadership, Love.

Petty, S. (Ed.). (2017). Social Justice, Inner Work & Contemplative Practice. Initiative for Contemplative Equity & Action Journal. Vol. 1., No. 1, July 2017.

Suttie, Jill, et al. “How to Fight Racism Through Inner Work.” Greater Good, 26 Sept. 2019,